Spring Rebirthing Ritual

NOTE: Although this ritual is designed to honor the uprising energies of rebirth and resurrection at the Spring Equinox, it can be used as help process transitions of any kind, at any time of the year. If you’re experiencing loss or a major life transition, this ritual can help you fully let go and surrender, so that you can open to the rebirth that is always inherent in death, loss or transition.
1. Gather symbols of rebirth and spring. Collect a few items that symbolically represent spring or rebirth (fresh flowers, a potted plant, a budding branch, seeds, colored eggs, a picture of a butterfly, etc.).
2. Prepare a space.
• If you have an altar, greet your altar and honor your sacred items. If you don't have an altar, find somewhere comfortable where you won't be disturbed. Gather a few items to make your ritual space special (such as a rug or pillow, items to represent the four elements, crystals, stones, etc.). Arrange the items you gathered to represent spring and rebirth upon your altar or in your ritual space. Click here for instructions on Creating an Altar.
• Light a candle.
3. Perform a cleansing ritual.
• Burn sage or diffuse essential oils to clean your space.
• Play high vibrational music, strike a crystal bowl or bells, or tone with your voice.
4. Create a sacred container. Connect with Mother Earth and the Divine Feminine by sending love from your heart down into the Earth. Connect with Father Sky and the Divine Masculine and all the heavenly guides and guardians by sending love from your heart up into the sky and the heavens.
If you've created your own invocations for calling in balancing energies as discussed in the Creating Sacred Space ritual, speak them now. As you speak each invocation, consider lighting a candle to honor each balancing point. If you haven't written your own invocations, try these:
• I call upon light and air at the east, the direction of springtime and the rising sun.
• I call upon light and fire at the south, the direction of summer and the noon-day sun.
• I call upon light and water at the west, the direction of fall and the setting sun.
• I call upon light and earth at the north, the direction of winter and midnight.
Feel how your heart sits in the center of everything. Everything meets in your heart.
5. Speak your intentions. Acknowledge why you’ve come (such as “I come today to honor the passing of one season to the next, to release what no longer serves me and to open to a new life”). Ask your guides, ancestors, guardians and angels to assist and support you in this time of rebirth and resurrection.
6. Symbolic Death and Rebirth. We experience death each night when we go to sleep. In sleep, we rest and recover from the challenges of the day, letting go completely for a time and then reawakening to a new day. There is nothing to fear. Death is a quiet, peaceful place where we rest for a moment before beginning again.
Symbolically release and surrender your old life and open to the new life that awaits you (some examples of how to do this are listed in the tables below, but please honor your own process and find what works for you). Be sure to pause and sit quietly in between the release of the old and the opening to the new to honor the symbolic death taking place.
7. Ground into the Earth. Many of us weren’t properly grounded into the Earth when we were born. As a result, many of us have lived in a life-long state of disconnection from the Earth’s comforting presence and wisdom.
Ground yourself now, as a newly born soul, by placing your hand upon your heart and taking three deep, slow breaths. Imagine a cord of light extending up from your heart through the top of your head into the sky and the heavenly realms from where you’ve come. Imagine another cord of light extending down from your heart into the center of the Earth. Imagine roots growing down from your feet into the soil. See the roots wrapping around rocks or traveling along underground riverbeds. Feel the energy of the Earth pulsing up through those roots. Commit yourself now to living in harmony with the Earth. In doing so, you gain complete access to the Earth’s wisdom and stabilizing energy. You are always connected. Vow to honor her wisdom.
8. Extend gratitude and close your ritual. Thank the elements and the directions, the Earth, your guides, guardians, and ancestors. Extinguish your candles and end by offering your blessings "for the highest good of everyone.”