Story Feelings
Emotional processing is the key to healing. Even when we're consciously willing to feel our feelings, however, long-standing,...

Disheartened by the Election? There's Reason to Hope...
Trump, as a shadow mirror, brings all of our collective shadow desires to the surface. We are him. He is us. Â

Emotion? or Emotional Reaction
The single best tool I know for healing and personal growth is learning how to work with your emotional body . Stuck or unprocessed...

Clearing Blocks in Your Emotional Body
Stuck or unprocessed emotions exert an incredible drag on your energy body. As children, many of us were taught to control our...

A Boundary is a Choice, Not a Wall
Many people struggle to create healthy boundaries in their relationships. If they weren’t modeled for you when you were young, it’s hard...

The New Heart Potential
For several years, I’ve been feeling the slow rising of feminine energy in the world. Although feminine energy is nurturing, restoring,...

Somatic Grief and Converging Timelines
My personal experience of working with deep grief across multiple timelines. When my daughter called to let me know she had an unexpected...

Lower Self, Higher Self and the Mask
Imagine a time before you were born..... You exist, but without form. You are consciousness, without a physical body. You float in a...

The Weird and Wonderful Workings of the Feminine Mind (Your Subconscious Mind as Divine Mother)
I've been connecting ever more deeply with feminine energy lately, both personally and in sessions with clients. Although I'm still a...

The "Death Current" and Pure Feminine Energy
Back in March, when I'd first tried connecting to the energy of the virus, I'd felt a very strong, dark current moving within it. At the...

Facing Your Fear
Fear is strong in the collective right now. It's in the air. You can see it in the eyes of your neighbor, standing just out of reach. ...

Using Affirmations to Change your Operating System
We all have an "operating system"...that set of ideas or beliefs we've built around how the world works. For most of us, that system was...

Surviving a Saturn Transit
For the past few weeks, I've been living through a difficult Saturn transit to my natal Venus. From the day the transit began, a series...

Viral Infections as Energetic Upgrades
I've always thought of viruses as little energetic programs with the potential to subtly upgrade your entire system. If your system...

Transmuting Relational Karma
Perhaps it's just this time of the year, when the veil thins and it's easier to see between the worlds, but I've been deep in the midst...

Death as the Ultimate Surrender
Last week, my father passed away. He'd been diagnosed with brain cancer in April. After undergoing surgery to remove a tumor the size...

Facing Your Shadow
Note: Shadow work can be extremely challenging. If you want to pursue working with your shadow, I highly recommend you seek out the...