Somatic Practitioner and Healer
Every human being is composed of many “bodies,” not just the one you can see with your eyes.
In your natural state, energy flows in a balanced way. Unfortunately, most of us have learned how to function in a chronic state of imbalance or lack. This defensive state is so familiar, you might not even realize it's there.
In order to gain the most benefit from a healing session or other expanding experience, it’s important that you practice good self-care in the days following a session.
One of the things you’ll have to deal with on the path of healing is resistance. Simply put, resistance is all the things that are going to get in the way of your healing. It's all the reasons why you can't (or don't want to) grow and expand.l
Being grounded means being fully present. When you’re grounded, you are fully present in your physical body (not your head). You feel safe, and can easily connect with Mother Earth and her rhythms. In order to ground, you need to have an open root chakra.
Here are a few simple tools that are very effective for quickly clearing your energetic field. These should be done as a daily practice, in the morning, evening or both.
We live in a world of attraction, magnetism and resonance, where our vibration and our expectations determine our physical experience. Everything is made of energy, including your body, your thoughts and your emotions. Even if you're not aware of it, you're interacting with the energy all around you every day, and it's interacting with you. If you'd like to know more, please check out my free Guides below. Each Guide offers a brief introduction to a topic, with tools for increasing your own energy awareness.
Growth occurs through a process of expanding, contracting and integrating. Each of these phases is an equally important part of your healing journey.

As a young child, your energy body was very open and sensitive. our energy moved freely, and life was full and exciting. You were also very vulnerable and dependent upon others for your survival. Sometimes your real needs weren't met, and you had to face difficult or painful experiences. With your open energetic system, you could feel everything inside and around you, including the pain of your caregivers. ​When the emotions were too strong, you closed off the channels within your own body where the pain was being experienced. You defended against your own energy, as a way to protect yourself from being overwhelmed. (Defensive Pattern guides are designed to help clients who are actively working with specific patterns identified in session.)
Everyone has a shadow. It's called a shadow, not only because of its connection to your dark side, but because it tends to remain hidden.
Together, these three aspects make up your essential nature. As you work to relinquish your mask and purify your lower self, more and more of the light of your higher self can pass through.
We all have an "operating system"...that set of ideas or beliefs we've built around how the world works. Your life, for better or worse, is a mirror of your beliefs.